BPM – Beats per Millennium explores the evolution of Romania’s clubbing scene through the lens of its social and cultural practices over recent decades. By reflecting on the rhythmic and physical histories of club crowds, the performance delves into key periods of social transformation, portraying the club as a space of free expression where music and dance served as acts of resistance against an oppressive socio-political context.
BPM highlights the significance of these spaces as places where social differences fade, bodies move to diverse rhythms and spontaneous movements, as well as a space where the sense of belonging to a community emerges. For the choreographer, the dance floor becomes a meeting ground, a place for exchanging experiences and breaking down barriers. It offers a space where individual identity can be redefined and communities take shape.
The movement journey delves into body atmospheres shaped by the stories of twelve people who experienced Romania’s party and clubbing scenes from 1960 to 2024. Through the movement, the performer brings these stories to life by embodying the shapes of popular dance styles from different eras. These shapes are deconstructed and reimagined, blending with the rhythms and beats of the original music, resulting into a dynamic, hybrid expression of club culture through the body.
BPM explores the significance of dance as a form of free expression and its evolving role within the clubbing culture over the years.